The End of the Beginning

      Wow. Two thousand and seventeen was the best and most challenging year of my life. To name a few things: I graduated from high school, went to two foreign countries, taught children in Nicaragua, survived my first semester of college, witnessed my sister get engaged, and the list continues. This year has been full of change, disappointment, growth, heartbreak, and happiness.

This year has been full of change, disappointment, growth, heartbreak, and happiness.

      It was not all cupcakes and butterflies, however. There were days that I felt like the world was going to end (you know when the your heart breaks into a million little pieces). There were days that I felt incredibly lonely as I embarked on this new journey called college. There were days I contemplated whether I even wanted a college degree (can't I just travel the world for the rest of my life?). However, there were also days when I was standing in a foreign country amazed by God's beauty. There were days that I was uncontrollably laughing with new friends who seemed to fill that void of loneliness. There were days that I realized some of my best days are still right in front of me.

There were day that I realized some of my best days are still right in front of me. 

     I happened to mention to a close friend that I am scared no year will be able to top this last one. She kindly replied that I still have so many experiences to come. I have new places to explore, new friends to meet, and may even a soulmate to run into along the way. I realized that this is solely the end of the beginning. Just because this year is coming to an end with a plethora of great memories does not mean that two thousand and eighteen won't be the next great year of my life.  I am ready, Lord. Show me the way.

I realized that this is solely the end of the beginning...I am ready, Lord. Show me the way.


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